In the context of Industry 4.0, the traditional manufacturing industry is gradually developing in the direction of "machine substitution", and many traditional production and production areas have begun to use automated robots to replace manual operations. Take industrial manipulators as an example. It is an important branch of automated robots. It can be programmed to complete various expected tasks. In terms of structure and performance, it combines the strengths of humans and machines, and especially shows human intelligence and adaptability. sex. The editor of the following rubber molding machine automation manufacturers will introduce to us: Rubber injection molding machine automation
The injection manipulator is the smart robot that is primarily used in the field of injection molding. In terms of injection molding production, it is more manual operation. Injection molding robots can enable manufacturers to calmly cope with the challenges of high labor turnover, short delivery cycles, and safety issues. High-speed, sensitive, and high-load robots can not only complete automated production. , Which can improve product efficiency to a greater extent. This is crucial for the injection molding industry that values power. Rubber injection molding machine automation
In addition, the use of injection molding robots has the following advantages: it saves labor costs, and the production line using injection molding robots can completely complete automatic operation. It can save labor costs; high safety, the injection manipulator ensures the safety of workers' operations, and no more work-related accidents caused by workers due to various reasons, and improves the safety of the production workshop; the production power is high, and the use of manipulators can make The production time of each mold product is fixed, and the same plasticization time, injection time, pressure holding time, cooling time, and mold opening and closing time can improve the yield of the product; prevent mold damage. During the injection molding process, workers should If the product is not successfully taken out, the mold will be damaged when the mold is closed. If the manipulator fails to take out the product, it will automatically alarm and stop to prevent mold damage; improve competitiveness, compare manual factories and use injection molding robots, which can improve the workshop The image can ensure the quality of the products, and the output value can be calculated more accurately, and then the competitiveness of the enterprise can be improved as a whole.
With the progress of my country's science and technology and the continuous progress of the research and development of machinery and equipment, the injection molding manipulator will have an outstanding development prospect. In the future, the injection molding manipulator will present the development trend of high repeatability, accurate positioning, modularization, and electromechanical integration.
High repeatability, accurate positioning, rubber injection molding machine automation
Accuracy refers to the accuracy with which the robot and injection manipulator reach the specified point. The repeatability is the measurement difference shown by the sensor every time the measured measurement changes to this direction at a determined measurement point orientation. Repeatability is more important than accuracy. If a manipulator's positioning is not accurate enough, a fixed error will usually appear. This error can be guessed, so it can be corrected by programming and the error can be controlled to a certain scale. With the development of microelectronics skills and modern control skills, the repeatability of injection manipulators will become higher and higher.
Modular assembled manipulators have a more sensitive device system than combination-oriented drive equipment. Each module of the modular injection manipulator has a specific sub-function, which will expand the scale of use of the manipulator. And all the modules are assembled in a certain way to become a whole, completing the functions required by the entire manipulator system, which will be an important development direction of the injection manipulator. Rubber injection molding machine automation
The control system composed of "programmable manipulator-sensor-hydraulic components" is an important aspect of automation skills; the injection manipulator develops adaptive control of hydraulic components combined with electronic skills, so that hydraulic skills can enter high-precision from "switch control" "Feedback control"; a composite integrated system that saves wiring, not only reduces wiring, piping, and components, but also simplifies disassembly and assembly, which greatly improves the reliability of the system. Nowadays, the coil power of the solenoid valve of the injection manipulator is getting smaller and smaller, and the output power of the manipulator is increasing, and the possibility of directly controlling the coil by the manipulator is increasing, such as the injection manipulator. Rubber injection molding machine automation